Friday, October 9, 2015

The 2:1 Challenge

7:30AM I get a call from a teacher that two students had a bike accident and she's called the ambulance. I ask her where she is located and I tell her I am on my way. I run across campus, down the street, and turn onto another street to come upon the scene. Both students are okay and the ambulance arrives to check them over and give them on-site care.

8:29AM I am running once again across campus to do the morning announcements.

8:30AM Announcements---It's go time! Time to have fun and start the day with a laugh. Today I'm taste-testing the popcorn for the popcorn fundraiser on campus!

8:45AM Head to the MakerSpace to talk with 3rd grade PLC.

9:20AM Discuss PTO events with my PTO president.

9:50AM Staff member comes to me about concerns they have.

10:00AM Meet at the high school to discuss an upcoming EdCamp we are planning in our district.

11:30AM Back On Campus--Have to pull support staff to work a student that is not in control.

12:00PM Talk with a teacher about the concerns she has for a struggling student.
Cover in lunch duty--Pull staff in to help cover for the 4th grade lunch schedule change.

1:00PM Morris Brothers are here! Let's sing and dance and learn how to be Super Hero Friends! Eat my sandwich and wheat thins while watching the show.

3:00PM Morris Brothers complete their final show!

3:05PM Called into a class for a student that is jumping off tables at other students.

3:10PM Called student's parents

3:18PM Get student on the bus

3:25PM Parent Pick Up duty--time to get 515 students home safe.

3:45PM Make sure all students are picked up on time.

3:45-4:20PM Listen, help, cry with, or console a teacher that is worried about her students.

Moms, Dads, grandmothers, grandparents, custodial parents, foster parents---This is a typical day in a public school, we do this EVERY single day. This is actually a slow day. Thank goodness I am not listing a busy day because I would have way too many expletives and four letter words...and that is not coming from the adults but rather the students.

While the days seem chaotic and crazy, it's what we do every day as school leaders. The days are long but the weeks fly by and before you know it another school year has passed.

I have to remember that some days are filled with more negativity than others. If we focus on the people that drain the energy out of us we will end up stressed, complaining, and burned out. They will bring us down. As leaders, when we focus on the things out of our control we end up out of control.

Sometimes we need to lay it down, make kid-based decisions no matter what, and not worry about the naysayers or the haters. As leaders we have to have faith that if we are working hard and doing right by our students and faculty then we have done the best we can.

My challenge to you as school leaders is when we are faced with a negative comment or something bad this week, to pay it forward times 2 with complementing someone, showing appreciation, or writing a thank you letter, email, or text.

The 2:1 challenge! Share the challenge and over-power the negative Nelly's this week!

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